Farmhouse Exterior and Interior

POSITION OF INFLUENCE farmhouse-exterior and interior 

Once the owner of this farmhouse started restoring it and its dilapidated barn and farm buildings in 2004, she decided to sweep away the modern cement additions and  pebble-dash. Although the house is not listed, she wanted to restore it within its historical context.

The flint and brick house sits on a hill amid acres of open countryside. Traditional techniques were used to cut the flint used on the extension to the left to ensure the style was consistent.
Upstairs in the main bedroom hangs a collection of John Nash watercolours. 'I love them, they represent "my England"; it makes me happy looking at them,' says the owner. The magnificent Tabriz carpet is reputed to have come from the house of the poet and arts patron Edward James, West Dean in Sussex.  The neutral walls  allow pieces such as the bold Tabriz carpet and dark wood chest to take centre stage. 
Garden designer Jinny Blom created the various topiary shapes in the garden. 

The result of the collaboration between the owner and her three expert advisers has been a real triumph - a distilled study in restoration, but also a joyous celebration of a new home complete with a glorious view. This project was an inspiration and also a challenge but it was also fun.
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