Dubai help this guy to loss 85 kg in 1 day - weight loss

Dubai help this guy to loss 85 kg in 1 day - weight loss

 Ahmed Salama al-Najjar loss weight
 Dubai help Ahmed Salama al-Najjar loss weight

 Dubai help Ahmed Salama al-Najjar loss weight

Ahmed Salama al-Najjar loss weight before and after
 Dubai help Ahmed Salama al-Najjar loss weight

Ahmed Salama al-Najjar loss weight before and after

 Dubai help Ahmed Salama al-Najjar loss weight

Jay cutler photos 2016 mr olympia new pictures desert classic

Jay cutler photos 2016 mr olympia new pictures desert classic

jay cutler

Jay cutler photos 2016 mr olympia new pictures desert classic

Jay cutler photos 2016 mr olympia new pictures desert classic

Jay cutler photos 2016 mr olympia new pictures desert classic

Jay cutler photos 2016 mr olympia new pictures desert classic

Jay cutler photos 2016 mr olympia new pictures desert classic

Jay cutler photos 2016 mr olympia new pictures desert classic

Jay cutler photos 2016 mr olympia new pictures desert classic

Top Oils to lose weight Recipes diet burn fats quickly

Top Oils to lose weight Recipes diet burn fats quickly

Oils to lose weight Recipes diet burn fats quickly

Oils to lose weight (ginger oil + cinnamon oil + oil Hbhan) placed on the abdomen, buttocks and damage to a plastic bag.
Mixture (olive oil + Ginger Oil)
oils to lose weight (100 grams cream biz +10 ml ginger oil + 10 g ground black pepper +10 grams cypress oil +10 Jasmine oil + 10 mM pepper oil Black +10 grams ginger crunched +10 ml apple cider vinegar)
Clove oil
oils to lose weight (chamomile oil + peppermint oil)

The health benefits of green almonds:

– Treatment of gum after disposal of peel almonds
– Useful for pregnant and the baby
– Lowers cholesterol from the blood ratio
– Protect cells from damage
– The prevention of heart disease
– The treatment of chapped hands and feet
– Smoothes the skin, dead cells.
– Helps to treat skin burns of first class
– Almond milk is used to treat patients with chronic cough and asthma where gives the mixture of (soft almond + sugar + water).
– Treatment of gastrointestinal tract.
– Treatment of patients with urinary tract and heartbreaking gravel.
– The treatment of acute kidney infections.
– The treatment of infertility and neurological diseases.
– Prevention of anemia of minerals and iron.
– Sometimes used as an alternative to stimulants such as coffee, where in addition to roasted almonds after Viattiyk cup coffee cup caffeine in it very few.
– Using peel boiled almonds in the treatment of throat infections and colds.
– The treatment of headaches and strengthens the sight where the failure of protective matter and Ashi Night disease.
– Contains antioxidants, which helps the body to expel toxins and increase immunity and disease resistance.
– It helps to get rid of fat fast.
– Facilitates digestion and treatment agent era digestion.
– Hair Loss Treatment where nourish the hair until the roots.
– The treatment of Alzheimer’s and dementia patients.

Health and medical information helpful to you with oils to lose weight:

Did you know that spinach for those who are looking for a vitamin K, which helps to strengthen bones and vitamin B that reduces damage to heart cells and burning and clogged arteries
Did you know that drinking grape juice a day resulted in a significant improvement in spatial memory and verbal learning skills of the participants in the study
Did you know that curry, contains a rich composite material “curcumin”, a compound believed that it prevents Alzheimer’s disease
Did you know that virgin olive oil is rich compound “Oolicanthal”, which disables the material in those toxic proteins that kill brain cells
Did you know that do not deprive yourself of water Drink more water because they lead to put some fluid stored
Did you know that walking helps to get rid of belly the size of any rumen because they are considered easy sport is perfect and inexpensive and very useful for a healthy body and mitigation of fat. ”
Did you know that should not be the person more than the daily consumption of 200 mg cholesterol
Did you know that Beware of eating carbohydrates at night because of their ability to store fat special logic abdomen
Did you know that the health system for a diabetic is the one who helped him to discipline blood sugar
Did you know that the study found that in addition to cardamom coffee may help to ease the negative effects of caffeine on the body
Did you know that Stay away from fried foods and pastries because they contain a large proportion of trans fatty acids, which raise blood cholesterol

Important Tips during the diet of the diet with oils to lose weight:

Eat fruit and vegetables that contain vitamins dietary supplement helps the body with oils to lose weight to eliminate completely the rumen.
Reduce watching TV where you must reduce the number of hours watching TV and the Internet.
Matomh sleep in a room where lighting helps to reduce weight and stay away from sleeping in a lighted room.
Not to give in to melancholy and pessimism always search for a smile and a laugh.
Stay away from canned foods or ready-where fast and have extremely high fat ratio helps with oils to lose weight to eliminate completely the rumen.
Eating hot spices that help burn body fat helps with oils to lose weight to spend the final rumen.
Snacks and a few, not creamy and help with large-scale oils to lose the abdomen to eliminate the rumen final.
Eating bread or Alkryoheidarat in a final meal with oils helps to lose belly to spend on rumen final.
Exercising daily, such as walking movement in space and at least 60 minutes and rest 1-2 days a week.
Stay away from eating potato chips or crackers compares it from harmful and snacks.
Drinking a glass of cumin and lemon juice, hot day on an empty stomach helps with oils to lose weight to eliminate completely the rumen.
Drinking a glass of ginger mixture with warm water and lemon a day on an empty stomach helps burn fat and activity were reported
Eating a daily cup of water with lemon light quantity on an empty stomach helps with oils to lose weight to eliminate completely the rumen.
Care to eat breakfast early before going to work to speed up the metabolic processes in the body
Eat brown bread a day and careful of eating white bread with fat oils to lose weight to spend the final rumen.
A cup of green tea without sugar instead of a cup of coffee check that he is the best health and helps to burn fat fast.

The Top Treatment for very thin hair falling for female child naturally

The Top Treatment for very thin hair falling for female child naturally

falling hair treatment home remedies male fast in homeopathy ayurveda hindi bangalore delhi.

Hair Treatment very light and falling when women and children

    Be careful on the outskirts of hair cut every two months.
    Not to endanger the torch to the air after washing.
    Action cream and oil baths per week 1-2.
    Cry from psychological problems and Alobeih always search for relaxation and psychological comfort.
    Interest component of iron in the food.

Natural mix to strengthen your hair and treatment for very thin hair :

Ingredients: 2 hanging olive oil +1 yolk eggs +1 hanging vinegar

Preparation: We mix the mixture well and we Bdlak hair Beah well and leave 25 minutes and then we washed well with lukewarm water and shampoo.

Health and medical information useful treatment for very thin hair :

    Mix the cactus leaves with honey and Apply the mixture on the scalp 20 minutes and then rinse in order to feed the scalp is very useful in treatment for very thin hair .
    Put the olive oil on the hair every week for 30 minutes then rinse to help it grow faster very useful in treatment for very thin hair .
    To reduce hair loss Mix henna with egg, yoghurt and Apply the mixture on your hair half an hour and then rinse
    Avoid hair so repeatedly until crisp does not become brittle and very useful in treatment for very thin hair .
    You must use hair oil once a week to keep the moisture scalp and strengthen the hair from the roots are very useful in treatment for very thin hair
    To avoid hair loss from cotton cover with a scarf or wear a hat during a very useful travel treatment for very thin hair .


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Some tips help you to reduce your double chin

Some tips help you to reduce your double chin 

Loosen up the muscles of the face and hands, you have to follow the double chin exercises that help you get rid of excess fat should be. Weight loss exercises may help you get rid of the double chin, but that is not always necessarily the case. Most people who have a double chin are overweight, however. Sometimes the reason is due to the double chin and genetic factors. In this video you will see some tips that help you to reduce this problem.

The Famous beard in the world

The Famous beard in the world 

The Famous beard in the world

Do you love to have a strange beards? if you really love, do you think that it might look like some kind of furry animals? David Kiefaber thought of the same thing when he participated in the “Free Your Skin” campaign, organized by Y&R New Zealand. You could think that you look all rugged and manly while wearing that luscious beard. But in fact, you simply look like a man with a dead squirrel on his face, or a raccoon. Hopefully, you're not one of those people whose beard looks and/or smells like a skunk.
The Famous beard in the world

The Famous beard in the world

The Famous beard in the world


How to distinguish between GMO and NORMAL food

 How to distinguish between GMO and NORMAL food

Up to now, there is no a scientific method or a universal solution that enables us to distinguish between Genetically Modified Food (GMF) and normal food. Instead, should to depend on many things that could help us such as common sense, logic and instinct, as well as our own researches on suppliers of raw materials, food producers and information through the media.

How to know

GMO food always looks nicer, has a rounder edges, and shinier. It also appears with equal size, bright color, without any bruising and damages, it has no scars and signs of spoilage. In nature, fruit and vegetables are not all the same. You can see some of them is higher, some lower, some bigger and some skinnier. The same goes for human and animals. All of us would like to buy fruits and vegetables that have a nice and good look.

    But if you want to avoid selecting GMO you should select fruits and vegetables with different colors, sizes and shapes.
    Try to Buy from farmers who are growing the products themselves .
    Try to know yourself on the internet for countries that are growing GMOs.
    Neglected the beautiful packaging. Profitability of GMO plants, fruits and vegetables allows manufacturers to spend more money on beautiful packaging...

10 Genius Bathroom Organization Hacks

10 Genius Bathroom Organization Hacks

1Use a wine rack as a holder for rolled hand towels. Your guests will be so impressed.

Use a kitchen utensil tray to organize your bathroom toiletries. You'll get much better use out of one of these in your bathroom drawer than in your kitchen.

If you lack cabinet space, roll your extra bath towels and display them in a decorative basket. You'll be surprised how much room you'll save by rolling your towels instead of folding them

Consolidate multiple bags and jars of bathtub salts into a clear cookie jar. Not only will this save space, but it also makes cute bathroom decor

Make your own storage stand out of two plates and a candlestick holder. To do so, superglue the bottom of the candlestick holder, press it down onto the center of the bottom plate, and hold it for a few minutes. After it dries, spread glue along the top of the candlestick holder and set the second plate on top

Use old mason jars to hold your makeup brushes. An easy way to add some vintage style to your bathroom

Use a hanging shoe organizer to store larger beauty products that take up a lot of space. This will also make your products much more accessible than if they were tucked away in the back of a cabinet

Create additional bathroom shelving by hanging a spice rack on the inside of your cabinets. This is great for the woman who owns more moisturizers and serums than spices

If you have a lot of beauty products, stack them on a lazy Susan to save space. Just spin the shelf around to find exactly which item you need

Hang "S" hooks on your towel bars to create more drying space for your towels. If you share a bathroom with multiple people, you know how tricky finding towel space can be and how ~*life-changing*~ this trick is.

Ten Things You Can Toss Without Thinking Twice

Ten Things You Can Toss Without Thinking Twice

We get it: Getting rid of your stuff is hard. Not only does it take time and effort, but then there are so many emotional connections to contend with, too. But some things are so trivial, they're not worth saving. So if you crave more space, but aren't game for some soul-searching, ditch these easy-to-purge items first.

1. All those unused hangers
Admit it. You've got way more than you need, and the sight of them makes your closet seem even messier. Let your clothes breath by ditching most of the hangers you don't use (especially those wire dry-cleaning ones, which leave dents in your favorite blouse). If you need to restock, it's not a pricey investment, and you can buy the sturdier, tidier kind. We like Huggable Hangers, a Good Housekeeping Seal holder, for their slim, non-slip design.

2. That pile of unopened bank statements
These days, all important information can be accessed online, and it's not great to leave sensitive documents lying around. Assuming you've found and opened the important stuff (like tax documents or your new credit card) shred the rest.

3. The plastic utensils that came with last night's take-out
You're storing these ineffective knifes and forks for … what, exactly? In case you suddenly lose your everyday flatware? Or for that hodgepodge dinner party you're planning? A box of matching plastic forks and knives won't break the bank when you need them, and will get used up before they can clutter your cupboards if you buy them just before party time.

4. Those stacks of magazines and catalogs
We know, you're totally going to make that tasty-looking asparagus dish you earmarked, and you're sure you'll get to the store before that coupon expires. But, really … you won't. But there's good news! More magazines and catalogs will fill your mailbox next month, with new deals, recipes, and articles abound. (And asparagus went out of season months ago, anyway.)

5. Mismatched plastic containers and lids
If they don't have a mate, they won't magically find one anytime soon. And stop saving loose pieces "just in case." Plastic food containers are meant to last, but not forever, and they're cheap to replenish when you're ready.

6. Any makeup that's collecting dust
If there's physical evidence that you haven't picked up that eyeshadow in months, it's time to toss. They're eating up space for items you actually use, and what's more, it's not healthy to use too-old makeup.

7. Your least favorite coffee mugs
Every house has a curious collection of mugs, thanks to souvenir shops, school events, and well-meaning gift-givers. And the least-loved ones steal real estate from that nice, matching set you purposefully picked out, once upon a time.

8. Anything that was originally a "gift with purchase"
You wanted the perfume, not the leopard tote and travel hairbrush that hitched a ride with it. Sure, they were free, but that's not a reason to hold onto what's essential garbage. Find a donation bin or yard sale table for your unused freebies. (We'd file cheesy wedding favors and school fundraiser raffle prizes in this category, too.)

9. Your kids' artwork
OK, this one stings a little. But you don't need every toddler original your kid churns out. Hang your favorites, take photos of stuff you just don't want to store, and recycle the rest. There will definitely be new little masterpieces tomorrow.

10. The leftovers of failed hobbies and habits
Remember when you were going to knit scarves for everyone for Christmas? Or when you vowed to write in a journal every evening? Give that barely used skein of wool and nearly blank diary to someone who will actually use it. And if the mood strikes again, you'll be more inclined to stick to it if you have to dip into your savings to restart.

If You Rinse Dishes Before Loading Them Into The Dishwasher, Stop, Video

If You Rinse Dishes Before Loading Them Into The Dishwasher, Stop

Hand-wash your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher? Join the club. Everyone seems to think that doing so will make china come out cleaner. Consumer Reports magazine recently looked into whether that habit is worth your time. And the quick answer? No.

Scrubbing your dishes in the sink is "an exercise in futility," as the KTLA report above says. Though it's become part of everyone's routine, it's far from an essential step in the plate-cleaning process because modern dishwashers are strong enough to do what a sink faucet does. Loading dirty dishes directly into the dishwasher not only saves time and effort but also water, helping your bills and the environment too. Even silverware placed straight in the dishwasher comes out perfectly sanitary!

But if someone didn't finish every morsel of meatloaf, Consumer Reports still advises scraping off and throwing out chunks of food when mealtime's over. Same goes for dumping messy liquids.

Now, what are you going to do with all that free time?

This Trick Will Un-Wrinkle Your Clothes While They're in the Dryer

This Trick Will Un-Wrinkle Your Clothes While They're in the Dryer

Laundry is already a tedious process, so it can often be even more annoying to add the extra step of ironing to the mix. Yes, ironing is important, but if there was one trick to eliminate it for good, would you try it? The geniuses at BuzzFeed just figured out the ultimate laundry trick that might free up some of the time you would have otherwise spent ironing.

It's as simple as turning your dryer's heat up to the highest setting. Next, throw in your clothes as per usual. (However, this trick works best when there isn't a full load in the dryer, so you might want to try it with less clothes than a usual load.) Then, add in a handful of ice cubes. (Yes, ice cubes.) Simply turn on the dryer and wait for your clothes.

It works like this: As the ice cubes melt they create steam, which un-wrinkles your clothes while they tumble dry. No, your clothes won't be as crisp as they might be with an iron, but this trick is a no-fuss solution to end our eternal ironing struggles.

What Your Eye Color Says About Your Health

What Your Eye Color Says About Your Health

You know your eyes can speak volumes about your feelings — but some research suggests they can also say a lot about your health: Because certain eye colors are associated with certain health conditions, anyone who can ID their own eye color should be able to estimate whether they have a relatively greater risk of disease — at least in theory.

Of course your actual risk of developing a particular disease depends on countless other factors, like your environment and genes. Also obvious: You'd need to be an eye doctor to detect the most serious warning signs. But if you want to know what your eye color, alone, could say about your health risks, consult the chart above. (Just be sure to rely on your doctor for a 360-degree assessment.)

Brown Irises

The darker your eyes appear, the more UV-protection you're born with, says ophthalmologist Ivan Schwab, M.D., clinical spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology. (That doesn't mean you can skip sunscreen and sunglasses — everyone can benefit from those UV-blockers, Dr. Schwab says.) You're less likely than light-eyed people to develop eye and skin cancer, and cataracts (clouding of the eye's lens).

Other research suggests you may be less likely to develop vitiligo, an autoimmune skin disease characterized by white patches of skin and hair.

Another thing: You probably have a lower tolerance for pain and higher likelihood of anxiety than light-eyed women, particularly during childbirth, according to a small study presented at the 2014 American Pain Society (APS) 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting. Researchers say you can blame your genes for that.

Hazel Irises

Your hazel eyes could mean you're more susceptible to pain and anxiety than women with lighter-colored eyes, according to the APS study, which grouped hazel- and brown-eyed women into a single dark-eyed category.

Green Irises

Women with light-colored eyes may have a higher tolerance for pain, and lower risk of anxiety and depression, particularly during labor and after childbirth, according to the APS study.

Your light eyes also provide less UV protection than brown eyes, which means you have a higher risk of eye melanoma.

Blue Irises

In addition to experiencing the same risks as those with green eyes, you may be more likely than your dark-eyed counterparts to develop alcohol dependency, according to recent research. (The study authors can't explain this random correlation — and they admit that more research is needed.)

Red Eyes

Everyone gets red eyes from time to time when blood vessels well or dilate. It's usually due to eye dryness, allergies, sun exposure, or dust. Interestingly, regular eye redness has been linked to depression — particularly among Olds. If your eyes are red for more than a couple of days in a row, see your doctor for a formal diagnosis. You could have Sjögren's syndrome, a common autoimmune disease, an infection, blood vessel abnormality, or something even more serious. Alternatively, you are Voldemort.

Yellowish Eyes

When the whites of your eyes bear a yellowish tint, your liver could be in trouble. Yellow eyes are a symptom of jaundice, a liver disease that affects the body's ability to filter a particular substance. It's also been traced to alcoholism

Seven Items You Should Never Throw Away

Seven Items You Should Never Throw Away

Cardboard tubes create TIDY DRAWERS
Just because an item has done its duty doesn't mean it's trash. These new uses will save you big money.

 Make a super-simple drawer organizer for fashion accessories or office supplies using the cardboard tubes from toilet paper and paper towel rolls. Trim each roll so that it's slightly shorter than the height of the drawer. Apply a dot of hot glue to the sides of the rolls to secure a few together in a group. Dot the bottom of each roll with hot glue and press down onto a piece of posterboard trimmed to fit inside the drawer. Once in place, fill each compartment with anything—necklaces, hair clips, thumbtacks or rubber

Plastic jugs make GREAT SCOOPS

Turn empty gallon and half-gallon drink containers into handy mini-shovels—perfect for pet food, gardening or even digging snow away from car tires. Start with a clean, dry container positioned upright with the cap on. Use scissors to poke two holes: one about 2" below the handle, another on the opposite side an inch or two lower. Cut from hole to hole around the container to create an angled opening, then discard the bottom of the jug and trim away any jagged edges


 Don't let those last drops of oil go to waste! Instead, dab what's at the bottom of the bottle onto a cotton swab and apply to a creaky door hinge to keep it quiet. Be sure to wipe away any excess to avoid drips.

Paper bags help DRY CLOTHES

 Save those brown paper shopping bags (even the ripped ones) for a rainy day—literally. Tear the bag into sections, then loosely scrunch and stuff the pieces into wet shoes or the sleeves of drenched coats. The thick paper absorbs moisture, helping fibers dry faster and maintain their shape. And unlike newspaper, paper bags won't transfer ink to fabric when wet.

Cracked tiles support HEALTHY PLANTS

When potted plants sit in saturated soil for too long, they can begin to rot and mold. Elevate the roots and improve drainage by adding a layer of broken tile, stepping stones or pavement to the bottom of the planter. For best results, arrange 1" to 3" pieces so they overlap slightly, making sure the drainage hole isn't covered completely. Next, spread soil over the pieces, top with the plant and fill with remaining dirt.

Bread tags are CORD CLIPS

Never quite sure which wire belongs to what device in that mess of cables behind your desk or TV cabinet? Label a plastic bread tag using a fine-point permanent marker, then secure the tag to its cord. Position it toward the tops of wires for easy reading. If charger cord tangles are your problem, group a few of these thin wires together every foot or so with bread tags.