How to choose Paper Wall to your home decor - with pictuer

Paper Wall 2014

Paper Wall 2014

Paper Wall 2014

Modern Paper Wall 2014

Modern Paper Wall 2014

wallpaper  2014

wallpaper  2014

wallpaper  2014

wallpaper  2014

wallpaper  2014

New wallpaper  2014

New wallpaper  2014

wall paper  2014

wall paper  2014

Modern wall paper  2014

wallpaper  2014

Modern wallpaper 

wallpaper  decor

wall paper  decor 2014

Paper  wall  decor 2014

Paper  wall  decor 2014

Paper  wall  decor 2014

Paper  wall  decor 2014

How to Choose Wallpaper

We find that the choice of
paper wall task looks as difficult for many people, but in fact the wall paper of stylish appearances at home

1 - Use pastel colors in the leaves of the walls, being worthy of all the colors of the furniture and do not need to be changed constantly.

2 - 
It is better not put a lot of patterns in paper wall, because they limit the potential of diversification, so then it is necessary to comply with the furniture colors or colored bed cover.

3 - choose wall paper with fine lines.

4 - The quality paper
wall made ​​of "vinyl" is currently the best, because it is practical and easily washed, they also give a beautiful look.

5 - better to adopt the color of the
paper wall in the living room Ton Sur Ton according to the color of the furniture.

6 - is the fashion
paper wall appearance of the skin is very popular now and give a distinctive way in the house.

7 - It is not necessary to suit
paper wall the room with furniture, but enough to be worthy of a certain something in the room.

8 - best to avoid the colors that your compliance with the choice.

9 - drawing can paint which gives a look similar to that left by the appearance of wallpaper.

10 - is not necessary to paste wallpaper on all the walls of the room, but Nlsq wallpaper on one wall a strong color such as red or black for the remainder other walls painted white or other colors quiet.

11 - is not necessary to use the same
paper wall in all rooms of the house, but we can change the colors by a simple room between the other so that the overall appearance of the same.